How to reverse engineer any Android game using Unity in 3 steps
Unity is a cross-platform game development engine developed by Unity Technologies. It is widely used for creating both 2D and 3D games and applications. Unity allows developers to build applications for various platforms, including mobile devices, consoles, desktops, and augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR) devices.
Unity uses an intermediate language (IL) that gets compiled into C#, so at the end for your reverse engineering purposes, you are decompiling C# code.
For more info:
Let’s start with the fun:
Step 1: Get the tool: Il2cppdumper
Download (Unity il2cpp reverse engineer)
Step 2: Grab the APK needed files: & global-metadata.dat
Run the following commands in your Windows terminal.
First, unpack your android package:
apktool d game1.apk
Assuming the android game you are analysing is called “game1.apk”, apktool will extract the contents of the apk in a directory called “game1”.
Second, copy the required files into the il2cppdumper directory:
copy game1\lib\armeabi-v7a\ .
copy game1\assets\bin\Data\Managed\Metadata\global-metadata.dat .
Third, decompile!
Il2cppDumper.exe global-metadata.dat game1_re\
Step 3: Show the code with DnSpy
Now open game1_re\DummyDll\Assembly-CSharp.dll with DnSpy.
Bonus track
Also you can use the following Frida wrapper to save time:
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